
Successful Talk Proposals

I’ve been part of the PyCon UK organisers team for several years. My job in that team is to look after the programme - the call for proposals, reviewing the submissions and fitting those we accept into the schedule. There are many guides online to writing a successful proposal. We normally …

Everyone Pays to Attend …

PyCon UK has a long-standing policy that everyone pays to attend - speakers, organisers, everyone. That often causes some consterntation with reactions like "I have to pay to speak at PyCon UK?!!" or "If I volunteer to help, I have to pay the same as someone who has done …

Lightning Talks and …

PyCon UK 2016 At PyCon UK 2016, I became annoyed. I was fully part of the organising team for the first time and we had spent part of our opening morning's session introducing lightning talks: explaining how they were an ideal way for new speakers to begin their speaking career. At the time, the …